Z-Depth Pass

What is Z-Depth Pass?

A Z-Depth pass, often rendered alongside color and other passes, represents the depth information of a scene. It is used in post-production to apply depth-based effects, such as fog or depth-of-field, enhancing the visual depth in 2D and 3D compositions. The Z-depth pass provides a grayscale image where brighter values correspond to objects closer to the viewer, and darker values represent objects farther away.

Meaning of Z-Depth Pass

The significance of the Z-Depth pass lies in its ability to add depth-based effects to rendered images or scenes during post-processing. By utilizing the depth information captured in the Z-depth pass, artists can apply effects like atmospheric perspective, fog, or selective focus, enhancing the overall visual appeal and realism of the composition.

Application of Z-Depth Pass

Z-Depth passes are commonly used in film production, animation, and digital art. They provide a valuable tool for post-production artists to add depth cues and control the visual hierarchy in a composition. Z-depth information is utilized to simulate realistic depth-of-field effects, atmospheric conditions, and other depth-related phenomena, contributing to the final look of the rendered scene.